Friday, December 7, 2007

This book is talk about young man his name Cinque and forty-nine other young Africans they was kidnapped from their homes . They were lived in Sierra Leane . Sierra Leane it is a small country on the west coast of Africa . They were taker to Cuba by sea and the journey it is too faraway from Sierra
Leane to Cuba . Cinque knew that he will sold as slave, so he tried to be free man anyway he did it . He unlocked his heavy chains and for his friends also . He went up to the top of the ship, into the storm and his friends followed him . They fight with Spanish sailor and they were won in that difficult fight . Cinque and his friends found their freedom . After that , they breasted many troubles to go back home but finally make it .My favorite part is when Cinque try to unlock that heavy chains . Indeed, like all parts because it was interesting specially this part ″ But at last , in the middle of this storm , Cinque thought there was a hope of escape . There was a metal spike in a pit of old wood near him . He pulled and pulled at the spike . It was hard work, and it was terribly hot on the ship . The water from his black skin ran down into the wood round the spike . Very slowly, the spike began to move . Just a few more minutes and…..suddenly, it was out ! He pushed the metal into the lock on the chain round his neck and turned it . left and right, left and right ….at last, it opened . He was free ″ .There was no part I disliked .


Marcy said...

Great blog...I love the pictures. What book did you read? Do you actually know how to cook. Anyway, have a great break and I will maybe see you in January.

Marcy said...

some are a little short though.